Police on my back

Police on my back
ExalteD - Hoodie & Bandana {GACHA EDITION}
For Signature and Belleza mesh bodies.
Now @ -D23- Event

FashionNatic - Duty  cargo pants
Exclusive design. hud driven rigged mesh pants
with 40 colors fatpack.
Compatible with Signature, Adam, Belleza, TMP, Aesthetic & Slink.

RedFish - Muerte tattoo
Applier for Maitreya, Belleza, Signature & Omega
(Normal and faded versions)
Exclusive @ Suicide Dollz
{FE STYLE} - Facial Hair  V16
Omega and catwa appliers
Now @ -D23- Event

KraftWork - Wall Tiles 
January Group gift avalaible @ *KraftWork* Mainstore


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