Love behind the mask
Navajo - Bento static pose pack 19
amias - Kash gacha set
12 Pieces gacha set with 1 Ultrarare,1 rare and 10 commons.
[CAROL G] - Gross Tattoo
Male tattoo
4 tones for Signature, Slink, Belleza, Omega.
Meva - Cedric Vest
Avalaible only for Signature Gianni and Geralt bodies.
and Belleza Jake.
Available now @ *ManCave Event*
Meva - Cedric pants
Avalaible only for Signature Gianni and Geralt bodies.
and Belleza Jake.
Now @ *TMD*
Furniture @ Decor:
The Bearded Guy - The Renaissance Backdrop set
6 pieces gacha set with 1 rare and 5 commons.
Now @ Dubai Event
Krescendo - [Kres] Dallas Signs
12 pieces gacha set with 2 rare and 10 commons.
Krescendo - [Kres] Amplitude
Adult and pg versions available now @ *ManCave Event*
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