Joy Division

Joy Division
W.J.P - Midnight smoke
4 male pose set cigarette included.
f u o e y . - Roger Skin
5 Tones for LeLutka Evo X
f u o e y . - Zayn facial hair
f u o e y . - Scott beard
Bom layers LeLutka Evo and Catwa mesh heads compatible.

[Gild] - Joy Division set up
7 colors available
Rigged for Belleza, Signature and Legacy

.:E.A.Studio:. - Moringa Earrings
Female and Male
Rigged for Swallow Pixie Gauged S ears.

Badwolf - Conan Bracelets
Rigged for Legacy M/F.
4 colors available.
Now @ *Astral Dreams Event*

Face tattoo:
SAXO - Lips bruise
2 tones (soft/dark)
Unisex for LeLutka Evo X
SAXO - Face veins
2 tones (soft/dark)
Unisex for LeLutka Evo X

K&S - // Hop(e) on? Backdrop
200 L.I.
2 Options with and without lights.
Now @ Kustom9


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