When the tiger roars... caress it!

When the tiger roars... caress it
LeLutka - Eon EVO X 3.1

Birth - Drew skin
Birth head appliers now come with a neck blend layer and accompanying tint/ adjusting layers
so that they are easily tintable to match any store's body appliers.
Now @ UBER

Volkstone - Giulio hairbase
4 colors
Bom layers only for Lelutka EVO X mesh heads
Now @ *TMD

.:E.A.Studio:. - Han Earrings
Female and Male
Rigged for Swallow Pixie Gauged S ears.

...:::Death ink::: - Andras Tattoo
2 scars, 2 epixasties
3 Intensities

L'Emporio&PL - Spartan Harness
Rigged for Legacy, Belleza, Inithium and Signature.
6 fabric colors and 4 metal colors sold in separated brands.

Rezz Room - Tiger male adult animesh
Companion and holdable.
Menu with 20 static animations.
Wearable and rezzable.
Now @ UBER


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