Another fucking hot sunny day

Another fucking hot sunny day
.::Domizia::. - Male 28
Chair, beer and cigarette included.

Mesh body:
[Signature] - Davis Body
Body - v1.1

Eaglelux - Amar
Facial hair, hairbase and eyebrows
2 styles hairbase and 8 colors available.
8 style facial hair black or tintable.

Neck tattoo:
HEXED - Amor tattoo
3 tones

Body tattoo add-on:
Animosity - Sun burn set
Made for evo x and body bom only.
Face, chest and back layers all separate with different strengths and redness included.

Legal Insanity - Samuel shorts
Rigged for Legacy, Signature, Belleza, Kario and Aesthetic.
Now @ FaMESHed

ROZOREGALIA - Narusaza bracelet
Resize and hud color change


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